Skyflow for Databricks

Protect PII across the entire data pipeline and meet regulatory and data residency requirements quickly.

Eliminate sensitive data breach risks in Databricks without sacrificing data usability for analytics, LLMs, marketing, or customer service.

Protect PII Across Your Data Stack

Skyflow helps you to meet the most stringent security and compliance standards without sacrificing the flexibility of your business. Protect PII in Databricks, while maintaining the ability to run analysis and workloads for data science, machine learning, and other business processes.

How Skyflow Helps

Remove sensitive data from your data pipeline with a vault specifically designed to protect it.

De-risk Databricks

Keep sensitive data out of data breaches by isolating it, de-identifying it, and making sure it’s protected in Databricks and throughout your tech stack.

Govern Data Across Your Stack

Apply central and uniform data governance for your sensitive data across the entire data pipeline, even outside of Databricks.

Protect Sensitive Data in LLMs

Keep your sensitive data out of LLMs without impacting usability, making compliance simple and straightforward.

Simplify Data Residency

Have total control over where in the world your sensitive data is hosted and accessed. Satisfy global data residency requirements without replicating infrastructure.

Same Powerful Databricks, Without the Privacy Risks

Enhance data security, unlock privacy preserving analytics, and satisfy data residency requirements, no change from how you use Databricks today.

Isolate. Protect. Govern.

Skyflow is a data privacy vault built to radically simplify how companies isolate, protect and govern their most sensitive data. Skyflow customers span verticals like fintech, retail, travel, and healthcare and use the data privacy vault architecture to comply with data residency laws, keep sensitive data out of LLMs, govern access to PII, and more.

  • Data Residency
  • Compliance
  • Data Governance
  • Tokenization and Polymorphic Encryption
  • Data Security
  • Secure Data Sharing
  • LLM Privacy
June 11, 2024

How to Secure Your Warehouse Against Data Breaches

In this post, we explain how you can use Skyflow with Snowflake or other cloud-based warehouses and analytics data stores to transform sensitive data into non-sensitive data that still keeps the data useful. This removes PII exposure risks while allowing analytical and machine learning operations to work as expected.

April 18, 2024

How to Protect, Secure, and Use Unstructured Data

Unstructured data, which makes up approximately 80 to 90% of all data, has remained largely untapped due to lack of proper tooling. With the introduction of data lakes and lakehouses in the past decade, and more recently LLMs, organizations have begun unlocking the potential of this data.

Data Privacy & Security
September 14, 2022

Maximize Privacy while Preserving Utility for Data Analytics

Learn how you can maximize the privacy of sensitive customer data without sacrificing data utility for analytics.

Ready to Get Started?

Discover how Skyflow can help you leverage Databricks with more flexibility — and without breaking privacy or compliance.